Downloadable Forms
Below are the generic forms needed for each team to submit when competing at each level.
All of the forms below may be downloaded through the Odyssey of the Mind website from Members Area.
Team's Required List - submitted to the judging team of the Long Term problem. These forms are problem-specific and should be downloaded from Members Area through the Odyssey of the Mind website.
Style Form - this form is the GENERIC style form that needs to be submitted for judging of the Long Term problem. You must provide 4 copies of this form to the judging team.
Check your problem for required style items.
Cost Form - an Excel spreadsheet that allows you to tally your cost. Check with your problem to see what the cost limit is for your problem this year.
Outside Assistance Form - outside assistance is not permitted in the solution to the problem. Use this form to report the level of outside assistance received by the team. Check the program guide for rules for clarification on this rule.
Omer's Award Nomination Form - used to nominate anyone involved in the competition - from team members to teams, from officials to coaches - for outstanding recognition.